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Recently Completed
Restoration Projects
Thank you for your donations.
They are making a difference.
Marilyn Boardman Memorial Driveway
July 14, 2016
Funded by the John Boardman Family
"The Front-to-Ramp Walkway"
(Handicap Accessible Walkway)
Winter 2023
Funded by the John Boardman Family, The Bedford Community Health Foundation, Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation, and The Avenel Foundation
"Parlor Ceiling Project"
March 2022
Funded by Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation and the Avenel Foundation
"The Firebox Repair Project"
February 2021
Funded by Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation
"Loggia Wall Restoration Project"
Summer 2019
Funded by the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation, Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation, and the 2018-2019 Annual Appeal
"Rescue The Avenel Smokehouse"
June 2023
Paid for by the Roller-Bottimore Foundation and The Avenel Foundation
"Landscaping: Phase I"
Fall 2022
Funded by The Avenel Foundation and the John K. Boardman estate
"Basement Wall Stabilization Project"
Winter 2022
Funded by an Anonymous Foundation and the Hagan Family Fund
"Chimney Restoration Project"
Funded by Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation, The Avenel 2019-2020 Annual Appeal, and The Avenel Foundation
"Back Balcony
Restoration Project"
Summer 2018
Funded by Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation and a Local Anonymous Foundation
"Rebuild Wooden Steps"
Summer 2018
Funded by The Avenel Foundation

In addition to the projects named above, The Avenel Foundation has funded
1] the removal of the dumpster to a back corner of the property and creation of a gravel drive to the new dumpster site
2] the painting of the groom's quarters.
3] the painting of the vast passageways and the walls along the two sets of stairs.
Your tax deductible gift to the Avenel Foundation will help rescue, preserve, and protect Historic Avenel, a Bedford legacy and unique landmark, for educational and community enjoyment.
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